Julian of Norwich

Blood and Gold


Dr. Donald Huber

The University of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee, USA


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1. Title page

2. Development of Greek Art

3. Gothic Sculpting, Chatres

4. Christ, Chatres

5. St. John the Baptist, Chatres

6. Old Testament Figures and St. Modesty, Chatres

7. Saint Maurice, Magdeburg Cathedral, Germany

8. Ekkehard and Uta, Naumburg Cathedral, Germany

9. Wicked Queen, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves

10. Virgin of Paris, Notre Dame

11. Hermes and Dionysus by Praxiteles

12. Virgin and Child, Abbey of St. Denis

13. David and Mary Magdalen by Donatello

14. Bonn Pieta, Germany

15. German Crucifix, Cologne

16. Stone Effigy of Francois I de la Sarra, Switzerland

17. Cardinal Lagrange, French

18. Death of the Married Woman and Peddlar, Holbein

19. Mary Burgundy's Book of Hours

20. Charles V of France as St. Louis, Paris

21. Medieval Florence and Cologne

22. Medieval France and England

23. English Wool Flemish Weavers

24. Flemish Citizens Receiving City's Charter

25. Reaper, Notre Dame and Bankers' Counting House, Genoa

26. Wife of Bath's Tale

27. Flemish Guild Halls

28. Peasant Rebellions

29. Hundred Years War

30. Joan of Arc at Stake in Rouen

31. Blood and Gold