The Iliad Of Homer

The Search for Arete,
Part II


Dr. Donald Huber

E-mail Dr Huber

The University of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee, USA


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1. Title page

2. The Homeric Style

3. Head of Hera, terra-cotta, Olympia, 600 B.C. and Head of Zeus, Olympia, 490 B.C.

4. Mythological Megatext, Aphrodite persuades Helen
to elope with Paris

5. Helen elopes with Paris, Attic red-figure skyphos, 490 B.C., by Makron

6. Judgment of Paris, Attica, 410 B.C.

7. Black-figure hydria, 510 B.C.

8. Quarreling Heroes, Black-figure hydria, 510 B.C.

9. Geometric amphora, Attica, 750 B.C.

10. Geometric amphora, Attica, 750 B.C.

11. Achilles and Ajax playing a game, Black-figure amphora, Attica, 540 B.C., by Exekias

12. Warrior Departing from Home, Red-figure stamnos, Attica, 430 B.C., by Kleophon painter

13. Andromache and Hector, Helen and Paris

14. Women weaving, Black-figure lekythos, Attica, 550 B.C., by Amasis painter

15. Tragic Irony, Slaying of Astyanax

16. Tragic Irony, Slaying of Astyanax

17. Discovery of Achilles, Roman sarcophagus, 200-250, London

18. Embassy to Achilles, Red-figure, Attica, 480 B.C., by Triptolemus painter

19. Phoenix and Briseis, Red-figure, Vulci, 490 B.C., by Brygos painter

20. Apollo from Olympia



21. The fight over Patroclus’ body

22. The fight over Patroclus’ body, cont.

23. Menelaus with body of Patroclus

24. Funeral of Patroclus

25. Achilles attacks Hector, Red figure, Attica, volute, 490 B.C., by Berlin painter

26. Apollo abandons Hector

27. Bronze statue, Athens (Piraeus), mid-4th c. B.C.

28. Priam implores Achilles

29. Priam implores Achilles, cont.

30. Priam comes to recover body of Hector

31. Priam comes to recover body of Hector, cont.