The Gospel of Luke

Christ the Savior


Dr. Donald Huber

E-mail Dr Huber

The University of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee, USA


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1. Title page

2. Composition of New Testament

3. The Annunciation, Fra Angelico

4. The Annunciation, Fra Angelico, cont.

5. The Visitation, Fra Angelico

6. The Birth of John the Baptist, Pinturicchio

7. The Nativity, Chartres road screen

8. The Nativity, Chartres road screen, cont.

9. Nativity Scenes

10. Annunciation to Shepherds, Adoration of Shepherds

11. Adoration of the Shepherds

12. The Circumcision of Christ

13. Presentation of Jesus to Temple

14. Jesus Among the Teachers

15. Jesus among the Teachers, cont.

16. Mosaic, dome of Baptistery of the Arians

17. Baptism of Jesus

18. Temptation of Christ

19. Mount of Temptations above Jericho

20. Ivory relief, Magdeburg Antependium

21. Healing of a Man Possessed of the Devil

22. Christian Wilhelm Ernst Dietrich

23. Healing the Sick

24. The Call to the Disciples

25. Sermon on the Plain

26. Giovanni da Milano, Church of Santa Croce, Florence

27. Repentant Magdalene

28. Raising of Jairus’ Daughter from the Dead

29. Ivory relief, Panel of Magdeburg Antependium

30. Feeding of the Five Thousand

31. The Transfiguration, Giovanni Bellini

32. Healing of the Ten Lepers

33. Pacecco de Rosa, early 17th c., Italy

34. Ambrogio Lorenzetti, Basilica of the Church of St. Francis, Assisi

35. Entry into Jerusalem

36. The Fall of Jerusalem Foretold

37. Driving the Money Changers from the Temple

38. Wood relief, Hans Brüggemann, Bordesholm Altar

39. The Last Supper

40. Christ in the Garden of Olives

41. The Kiss of Judas

42. Master of The Life of the Virgin,

43. Jesus Placed under Arrest

44. Giotto, Scrovegni Chapel, Padua

45. Jesus before the High Priest

46. Christ being Mocked

47. Jesus before Pilate

48. Bearing the Cross

49. The Crucifixion

50. Grafitto of Crucifixion

51. Reconstruction of Actual Crucifixion

52. The Deposition

53. Tomb outside Old City in Jerusalem, Near Mt. Zion

54. Supper at Emmaus